Standardization of inclusive tourism: experience of the European Union and the Republic of Uzbekistan


  • Elena Golisheva
  • Diyora Adilova


quality of services; standardization; sustainable development, tourism market


Inclusive tourism is an integral part of the modern tourism market of the European Union. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the standards of inclusive tourism in European Union and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Authors highlighted the present state of European inclusive tourism market as well as the national markets of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Uzbekistan. The development, improvement and implementation of inclusive tourism standards in different countries were studied. The concepts of "inclusive tourism" and "accessible tourism" were considered and interpreted. The research is mainly based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists in the sphere of inclusive and accessible tourism. The article provides statistical indicators of the number of people with disabilities on the total number of tourist arrivals. As a result of the research, authors were able to identify positive experience of the European Union countries in creating better environment for people with disabilities. Same practices can be adopted by any other countries of the world. A comparative analysis revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the existing standards of inclusive tourism. Suggestions were made on how to improve the quality of services provided to people with disabilities and thereby enhance their travel experience. Recommendations for future researchers were proposed.


