linguistic and mental pictures of the world, non-equivalence and lexical gaps, semantics and pragmatics of language signs, Classification of culturemes, In modern linguocultural research, linguocultural material by means of another language, lexicographers aims at a dictionary to become as efficient and nonideological tool as possible, Equivalence (or its absence) is a marginal phenomenon, “Translation starts with establishing equivalence on the word level” the experience of modern lexicographers clearly shows that in the process of compilation of any bilingual or more lingual translation dictionary, the issues of conveying culture specificityAbstract
The following paragraph raises the question of the need to improve the structural diversity and operational capabilities of the modern dictionary (bi- or multilingual) to avoid laciness in the transmission of cultures and non-equivalent words into another language. Without it the dictionary is incomplete and languages are unequal. The article deals with various options of asymmetry reflection of the cultureless in the context of social and ethno-psychic reality of a native-speaking community. The specifics of lexicographical transmission is observed in order to emphasize the need of further investigation of the linguistic map of the world. Linguistics of the recent years is a good illustration of general trends in the modern humanitaristics: we witness an increasingly obvious inclination to interdisciplinarity and interparadigm in approaches to such complex objects as a language, deep understanding of it as an anthropological phenomenon in the immanent relationships with psychological and behavioural matrices, with ethno cultural origins of the linguistic picture of the world.